Freedom from anxiety

Is there an effective cure for anxiety?

Hypnotherapy provides fast, effective relief from anxiety and panic-attacks and an alternative to medication. It’s usual for clients to experience some relief from a single session. Call me and I will explain how hypnosis is scientifically proven to deal with anxiety. I offer a free, twenty-minute consultation.

Does your mind keep churning over the thoughts in your head? Do you wake up with a strange feeling in your chest and tummy? Struggle to sleep? Always worry that things will turn out badly or that the worst outcome is the one most likely to happen? I’m here to help. Together we can calm your anxiety and help you handle panic attacks.

To find out more about hypnotherapy please watch my video here


How does hypnosis cure anxiety?

I use hypnosis to change the way you think, breaking the habit that puts you in that endless worry-cycle. To stop you thinking that the worst is about to happen and that everything will go wrong.

I have been using hypnosis for many years now and I have always known that it was dramatically helping my clients. And, due to technological advancements we see all around us, in that time brain-scanning technology has also dramatically improved. So now we are able to see hypnosis working on the brain in real time. Hypnosis is scientifically proven.

How will hypnosis help you with anxiety? Social anxiety? Panic attacks? Hypnotherapy works by helping your brain to find a new, more helpful pattern of behaviour, a calmer way of dealing with the problems you face. Find out more here


“hypnosis is scientifically-proven”

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety can be so debilitating. Trashing our social lives, preventing us from making new friends or finding a partner, keeping our lips tightly sealed at meetings when we know we have something valuable to contribute. The problem is, the more we don’t put ourselves in social situations, the more we start to reinforce the idea that we just can’t put ourselves in social situations. The more we avoid forming relationships, making friends or speaking up at work the more we are giving ourselves the message that these things are “just not for us”.

Hypnotherapy can help immediately by dramatically reducing social anxiety, desensitising your encounters with other people so that they seem less challenging, and allowing you to regain composure and calmness. We then set to work on the underlying causes of social anxiety so that your mind can be reprogrammed to think in a different way and make social interactions an altogether more relaxed, positive experience for you. To find out more, read my article here

Let me help you find relief from social anxiety. Call me now to find out how hypnosis can help