Past Life Regression

Is it possible for us to access memories of previous lives?

As a hypnotherapist I specialise in Inner Child Healing. For those of you unfamiliar with what that is, it is a process whereby, in trance I guide my client back through time to a place where their trauma first began. Perhaps there was an incident in childhood that upset them deeply, traumatised them even,  and with the help and guidence of a therapist they are able to re-visit that time and heal that moment so that they are then free to move on with their lives.

Whilst conducting inner-child healing, with the client in trance, I noticed that sometimes they would spontaneously go back beyond childhood and indeed, before their own birth, and begin recalling events that did not seem to be from their current life or period in history. At first I felt like the client was using their imagination freely, to talk about events that were particularly painful for them and that they instead wished to communicate via a story (storytelling can be an important part of hypnotherapy; to some extent we are all living the story we tell about ourselves. Hypnosis is, in essence, about changing the story). However, as this phenomena became more frequent it became clear to me that some clients were going back in time, re-living memories of previous lives.

I decided to conduct more research and over the years have developed this part of my practice, both for people who simply wish to experience Past Life Regression for themselves and also for those who wish to use inter-generational healing to help them recover from patterns of trauma they see rippling down the generations, affecting their parents, grandparents and their own children.

If you wish to find out more about Past Life Regression please call me. I offer a free 20 minute telphone consultation. You can also find out more by reading my article on Past Life Regression here. Hypnosis is a very calm, relaxing experience that can be used to treat many different conditions. It’s also a good way to gain a deeper understanding of our lives and the challenges we face. If you would like to find out more about hypnotherapy, what being in a trance may feel like, or whether hypnotherapy can help you with the challenges you may be facing, please watch my video here, or click here to find out more.


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Inner Child Healing